Join The Mobile Revolution

Do you know how some businesses have problems with getting and keeping customers? Well, we help with that...


We help our clients connect with consumers across every mobile channel, including text (SMS), mobile websites and branded apps.


We can develop a comprehensive mobile phone marketing solution that will enable you to communicate and engage with others in an interactive, relevant, and effective manner through any mobile device.

Why Mobile

It is a well known fact that finding new customers is much more expensive than retaining current ones. In fact, just a 5% increase in repeat customers has been shown to translate into a 25% increase in annual sales - This is due to customers spending 67% more with you on average when you stay in touch with them.


Doesn't it make sense that you want to have a way to communicate with your current customers in a relevant and immediate manner to keep them coming back again and again?


Mobile Marketing promises to be the most personal, targeted, and actionalble marketing available in our time.



Text Marketing

There are 6 times as many mobile phone users as internet users ... and on average, these people send / receive over three times as many text messages per month when compared to mobile phone calls.


The incredible thing is texts have a 5 times higher response rate than email offers and nearly 100 times greater than newspaper and yellow pages ads.


Now, can you think of anything more immediate or personal than engaging your potential customers with the medium of mobile phones?


Don't Worry


We will help you avoid being overly intrusive. Contact us today to learn more about how easy it is to get your text campaign started right away. You'll be glad you did!

Mobile Websites

If you have a website that was developed specifically for a standard computer monitor, it does NOT mean you have a mobile version of your website. When you make your website mobile, a user will not need to zoom in or out or pan left or right when viewing.


Your mobile website will actually be a "lite" version of your primary website with very specific calls-to-action.


Other Goodies


In addition to making your website mobile, we can integrate all kinds of cool stuff - Check out our "Catalog of Services" on Home Page...

Tap on Image below. You will be redirected to a live Demo - Now rub your finger over the right side of coupon and watch what happens...

Mobile Surveys

See our "Marketing Survey" on the Home Page for an example...

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